COVID-19 Learning Strategies

Ways to keep children learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Part three

During COVID-19 lockdown, kids stay home. Parents help them learn. Use online learning platforms. Engage in free courses. Keep children busy and learning. Explore latest online trending features. Discover new ways to teach. Encourage creativity and curiosity. Support children's education at home. COVID-19 Learning Strategies are important. Make the most of this time. Strengthen family bonds through learning. Together, we can overcome challenges. Let's keep children learning during COVID-19.

Keep Children Learning During the Covid-19 - During the covid-19 lockdown, kids are idle at home. Parents can keep their children learning at home.  They can involve their kids in free courses through distance learning platforms. 

Show Flexibilities n Get Responsibilities:

Making Distance Man to Man?


There have been started making distance man to man, mother to father, mother to son and many more. An invisible hand has been catching few of us into even death. This is pathetic namely Covid –19 coronavirus shows us this unendeared truth happening all over the world last few months. We do not confirm when this misery will end. Bad luck ….

In this circumstances, our kids have also been badly suffering in lacking of education due to academic closing. BUT we have to be alert in learning of our kids in this pandemic situation. In sharing or doing something by your kids at home, parents like father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, elder Brothers, elder sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins have to show the durable flexibilities to make responsible kids. Showing Flexibilities even in committing mistake or wrong deed by your kids prepare them to be conscious and dedicated day by day and once they will think and realize broadly about their responsibilities (response + ability) –responsibility to their family – responsibility to their society. Once he will know that a responsible person realizes that their actions and decisions will constantly have consequences.

COVID-19 Child Learning Tips 

A Lot of Sources to Show the Flexibilities

At home in where there are a lot of sources to show the flexibilities to their beloved children and so their kids can achieve the ability to be reliable in the family as well as in the society. There is tried to disclose family based sources from where their kids can get , learning during the covid-19the flexibilities in or after doing the respective deed or job:

In Proper Care of Parents: Failure in the time of taking proper care of parents, parents should not scold him but able to understand him to be more conscious in caring. Once he knows personal responsibility in his life is nearly balancing his health and family as well.

In Helping Mother: In the time of helping mother in kitchen by cooking, washing the dishes, accidently if the kid commits a mistake, mother should not be angry with him/her but mother should teach her kid the respective work again.

In Father’s Speech: If suddenly kid fails to keep his father’s speech properly, his father should not scold him but advise him to be sincerer to his particular job.

in Studies of Younger: If parents notice the negligence of his son/daughter helping in studies of younger brother or sister, parents should teach his/her to be more dutiful.

Co-curricular events: There should show the flexibility in participating co-curricular activities. Senior should show the encouragement in doing extra-curricular. Junior engages him more in such activities. And there ensures the balance and experience in such activities of kids.

In Proper Care of Grandma or Grandpa: If there find out the lacking in taking proper care of grandma or grandpa, parents or elders should not admonish him but intend to realize him to be more alert in caring. At last, he knows the personal responsibility that taking responsibility for his actions.

In Cleaning work: Cleaning work at home is not so easy. If parents find fault in cleaning house, parents should suggest him smoothly to be more careful in cleaning or washing but not force him at all.

In participating outdoor games: At one place (playground) But 2/3 group will play at a time. In this moment, senior group will show sacrifice+ or flexibility. First junior group start playing and next senior. In this way, there creates a standard intimate balance among the members of the respective family.

In Working the Nearby Garden: If parents find mistake in working of his or her children in the nearby garden, parents should start working with his children to show the proper way definitely to perform the relevant work.

In decorating room: Decorating room is very tough job. There has to be more attentive to do it. There is more opportunity to assist you from your kids. If there commits any mistake, parents should show flexibility.

Virtual school Learning: In a family, for 2 / 3 kids, there hold 2/3 online class at a time. In this circumstances, senior can use smartphone to complete his class. On the other hand, junior may use laptop. Sacrificing of senior makes the family stability strong which ensure the logical flexibility.

To water the plants: If your child intends to water the plants of the garden willingly but sometimes, your kids may not water timely. In this case, you should not reprimand him but advise him to do the respective job punctually.

In weeding out: Weeding out the grass from the garden is very hard deed. You can involve your kids in doing it. But patents should guide their kids with great care and there requires flexibility in showing the tools using.

In studying: accidently your beloved kid does not get so high in weekly test which is arranged by parents at home. Maximum parents cannot control his angriness but for the well-being of his kid, he should prove tolerance and show flexibility in this moment.

In having foods: Kids, sometimes, show negligence in eating foods. In some area parents randomly scold or press him / or her to eat more foods or eat fast. It is not good at all. If we consider the advice of doctor and phycologist, we see that they always suggest to be more sympathy or show flexibility.

In Yoga or Prayer Time: In Yoga or Prayer Time, parents should show proper flexibility because in the time of building mind set, relaxation or pray to God, there should have proper direction or guideline. To be self-contented, pious, honest, cool-minded and qualified member of the respective family as well as society, this practice is very essential.

In door game: In the time of playing, kid generally feels excitement and ultimately there raises hue and cry. But parents should not tackle this with irony hand. Parents should advice his kids to keep balance in enjoyment when they are playing.

Virtual school Learning: In a family, for 2 / 3 kids, there hold 2/3 online class at a time. In this circumstances, senior can use smartphone to complete his class. On the other hand, junior may use laptop. Sacrificing of senior makes the family stability strong which ensure the logical flexibility.  

Co-curricular events: 

There should show the flexibility in participating co-curricular activities. Senior should show the encouragement in doing extra-curricular. Junior engages him more in such activities. And there ensures the balance and experience in such activities of kids such keep children learning during the covid-19.

During COVID-19 lockdown, kids stay home. Parents support learning. Use online platforms for education. Engage in free courses. Keep children busy and learning. Explore latest online trending features. Discover new learning strategies. Encourage creativity and curiosity. Support children's education at home. COVID-19 Learning Strategies are vital. Make the most of this time. Strengthen family bonds through learning. Together, we can overcome challenges. Let's keep children learning during COVID-19.


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